VisiScope Widefield microscopy system are based on digital color or...
System based on Inverted Mic. with Spinning-Disc Confocal, VisiTIRF/FRAP and Widefield.
Structured Illumination Microscope - VisiScope DeepSIM Super Resolution System from Crest
Flexible Multiple Laser Engine with up to 8 lines and highly stable Laser Outputs.
High Performance Imaging Software for BioImaging Applications.
High Performance Calcium, Ion and FRET Imaging. The measurement of intracellular...
VisiScope Cell Analyzer: Affordable Cell Based Screening System...
Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Imaging System
All known camera manufacturers are offered for our VisiView® Microscopy Imaging Software.
Real-Time Confocal System based on Dual-Disc Microlens Technology
High Resolution Light Sheet Imaging. The Tilt from Mizar Imaging is a modular...
2D-VisiFRAP Realtime Scanner - Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching Imaging System
The Realtime Experiment Control Device ViRTEx-100/200 provides sophisticated electronic for...